19 May 2022

Medical illustration is a rather niche field, with an estimated 2,000 trained practitioners worldwide.
The majority of medical illustrators in the profession have a master's degree from an accredited two-year graduate program in medical illustration, of which there are only four in North America.
The first school of medical illustration was formed in 1911 at Johns Hopkins University.
Some medical illustrators are authors and co-authors of textbooks or articles in which they've made major contributions to the content.
In the past, the majority of medical illustrations were produced for professional use, whereas now there is a growing need for illustrations aimed at the lay public, in order for them to understand the state of their health and medical options.
Attorneys use medical illustration to clarify complex medical information for judges and juries in personal injury and medical malpractice cases.
Medical illustration created for instruction (surgery, anatomy, obstetrics and medicinal plants) first appeared in Hellenic Alexandria during the 4th century BC or early 3rd century BC on individual sheets of papyrus.
Leonardo da Vinci pursued his own anatomy book, and pioneered the use of cross sections and exploded views.
De humani corporis fabrica (The Fabric of the Human Body) of 1543 is probably the most well known book of anatomy. It profoundly changed medical training, anatomical knowledge, and artistic representations of the body, an influence that has persisted over the centuries.
Here at MOTHandRUST, we do create scientific illustrations (seen above) and we can work with specific medical illustrators when required.