27 January 2014

Well, my path has crossed with Peter Saville's; I've been living here in London for almost seven years now, so it's about time. And what's the two things I should never ever do when this sort of thing happens? 1) go and get my photo taken with him and 2) blog about it. But, that is exactly what I am going to do, haha.
At least my parents would understand, they have no pride either. When my path crossed with my second design hero, Stefan Sagmeister, I was with them, unfortunately. They got so excited about who he was that they chased him down the street shouting, "Sagmeister! Sagmeister! Hello! Over here!" I had to hide in a shop so I never met him obviously.
So this time I made sure I did not miss my chance to meet Mr Saville and I must say he was lovely and it was nice to tell him how much I respect his work.
It's funny, the work of Sagmeister and Saville is very different. Sagmeister is conceptual and easier to appreciate with words, whereas Saville is more abstract and easier to understand emotionally.
There are always a few album covers that still stick out in my mind when I think back to the olden days of CDs and vinyl. Most of them were the work of Saville - my favourites are above. I love Saville's ability to create one strong, single image - which is in large part why he is such a successful album cover designer.
Not to say that Saville can't do Sagmeister style stuff, also above is one of my favourite non-album-cover pieces, the brothel sticker.
Okay I'll stop now.
Oh and I can't wait to see Saville's logo for Kanye West, can't believe my two heroes are collaborating, crazy.
S xx