2 April 2013

Hey hey the MLE,
Hope you had a great long weekend. Mine was not a long weekend, but I cannot complain cause I just got back from a few weeks holiday, so no need for another yet really. Well, actually... haha...
Merida, Mexico is a very beautiful, elegant little city on the West side of the Yucatan peninsula. To me, nothing is more beautiful than old crumbly European architecture. Nothing. And Merida is full of it.
Mexico takes these buildings and paints them in endless colour combinations that I spent days and days photographing. Don't have the photos ready, will post next week.
In addition to the old crumbly European architecture, on the inside Merida's buildings have another one of my obsessions: old crumbly Spanish tile floors. It's post office was recently renovated into a beautiful modern art museum. Everyone went room to room to room examining the art - while I was examining the floors. Actually never saw the art!
And so this is how I passed an entire afternoon, staring at the floors of an art gallery taking pictures. Amazing. One day I will have a Spanish tile floor in my kitchen. Maybe the bathroom and hallway too... Hopefully they will be old and crumbly.
Talk soon my friend!