20 March 2011

Speaking of old friends, now seems a good time to share an image from Terence's latest show, which I managed to catch at the Mary Boone gallery last week. The show is an installation and performance involving only a bare white room with a massive cone of coarse rock salt in the centre, and Terence – who circles the salt mountain on his knees - for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 5 weeks. Occasionally he has a lie-down. But that is essentially it. Carrying on his signature monochromatic aesthetic, it's an all-white ritual, which is both sort of calming and sort of unsettling to watch. It was tempting to go over and shout "Hey terence! Remember me from the old ECIAD days?".... but ah, no. The silence and the general gallery environment was way too overpowering. The attendant told me afterward that he has apparently taken a vow of silence for the entire duration of the show, so while it would have been perfectly ok to try to interact with him, he wouldn't have responded. That Terence! He never did anything half-way, even back in school, and I'm happy to see that he still doesn't. Was cool to see our old friend-turned-art-darling.... doing his thing.